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Category: Forum Information
"Currently replying..." message inside threads

I've noticed that Who's Online? ( includes "<user> Replying to Thread <thread>" information. Does anyone else think it'd be useful to see this on a per thread basis? e.g. if I go to a new post called "NEWB NEEDS PHP HELP!!!", there'd be a message somewhere saying,
Users currently replying to this message:

It wouldn't work if they were using QuickReply but more useful would be a Who's Watching/Reading/Replying/doing anything to this thread.

I think this is a default vBulletin feature but the admins turned it off to save DB queries.

That would be quite cool. but I think it would probly be ub0r-
server intensive, as it would need to see where every single
user was every time you opened a thread, and with the size
or Dev Shed users db, that could take ages...

not really it just does sort of "SELECT uid FROM where_people_are WHERE threadid='1234'" and then does "SELECT username FROM users WHERE uid='54321'" for each person.

Still, with almost 1 million records to check through everytime
a thread is loaded, that's gonna take some time...

I suppose it could only apper once you've hit "reply." That would save on queries, but doesn't account for people using Quick Reply, so I have to agree with Computer. It's probably not workable.

Quick reply/reply shouldn't matter, they're both pointing their output to the same script, with the same "GET" parameter, the only thing that would be different would be the POST params.

The Quick Reply option could post the data just under the response box before the user decides to edit/reply

Still, with almost 1 million records to check through everytime
a thread is loaded, that's gonna take some time...

depends on the table layout for vBulletin, and the hit rate would be <0.0001% for a single record for 1 million posts, it's indexed so it should hit directly, the admin overhead of tracking users through the shed forums, that'd be a few temp tables to allow for timeouts and the rest, and that would more than likely make it prohibitive

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